Kitty Quinn xTakeMe’s newest sensation
Meet this month’s cover star Kitty Quinn / @kittyquinntv
Hey Kitty! Firstly congratulations on winning the xTakeMe cover feature!!!! We are so, so happy to have you featured. We have seen how you are definitely one to watch out for this year, with xTakeMe as one of their founders and rising stars, we know you are only going to thrive bigger and higher than ever before! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Can you give us a bit of background on your career as a model/creator and where it all started? Well, I am 31, originally from Miami Florida but now I reside in Asheville, North Carolina. I started cam modeling 7 years ago and I have been full-time since then. I have also accomplished being a Playmate cover model, won Beaver of the Year for Hustler Magazine, and I have guest anchored Naked News TV. I absolutely adore cosplaying and that is my passion, I even do body paint cosplay shows online where I get to merge my passion for costumes, and my passion for painting all into one.
If you could spend a day doing anything you wanted, what would it be and why? If I could spend a day doing anything I wanted….it honestly would be to go camping in nature. with my nonstop fast-paced life, I always daydream of days when I want to take a break and relax in nature.
What are your favorite ways to unwind and relax when you’re not working or traveling? My favorite ways to relax and unwind are watching movies and playing video games at home. I also LOVE to take hot, salty, candle-lit baths with piano music. Sometimes I paint, draw, or play my ukulele. I also love taking my dog to the park or river so she can run free and get some energy out. As strange as it sounds I also love cleaning, I can’t relax truly until my house is fully cleaned. It makes me feel mentally clean and refreshed as well.
You are a VERY talented cosplayer, how did this all begin and what’s your favorite cosplay character? It all began when I lived in an RV, and I used to run an Etsy shop with handmade baby costumes. One day I decided to start making adult costumes I could model for my Etsy. I had SO much fun creating the content, that I became addicted. So at that point, I decided to open a business dedicated to creating costumes and modeling them.
We see you love to travel… What’s the best place you have ever been to in the world? The favorite international spot that i have been to, so far, was Greece! I went to both Athens and Santorini for a solo adventure to read books, write, eat good food, roam the cities, and do beautiful photoshoots.
What are some of your biggest dreams you hope to achieve? Well, I do hope to grow my brand and platforms online financially so I can buy a house and a bunch of land here in North Carolina to raise my son on! I also hope to continue traveling the world. I would love to become a voice actress for an anime one day. Then a big goal of mine is to grow my brand SO big that I become a huge pop culture icon. This way I can be published on the cover of American Playboy as “Kitty Quinn: The modern day Marilyn Monroe” So I can prove to the world that I can achieve high professional heights even WITH all my tattoos.

We know you won an award at the XBIZ, and that must of felt like such an amazing experience! I was completely shocked when I won Cosplay Streamer of the Year at the XBIZ Awards in Miami. The video of my reaction is absolutely priceless. I was also the first winner and had to give the first speech of the night. Which I was not expecting to do but it was a blast to get on stage and have a huge club full of people cheering for me.
3 things that you can’t go a day without. Three things I can’t go a day without are my black lab dog Xena, music, I LOVE it and need it every morning to get me going and movies, I love to watch movies even if it is in bed while I am falling asleep. The nostalgia of movies really relaxes me and reminds me of my childhood.
Looking back, what advice would you give to younger people? My advice would be to follow your OWN dream. And to always be honest with yourself and those around you about what your true dreams are. So many of us waste time in our lives doing what we think society or family tells us to do. And time is one this we never get back, so don’t waste your time. Go for it NOW.

Are there any qualities or traits you find particularly attractive in a partner and what do you value the most? I do find passion, intellect, and humor attractive in a partner. What I value most of all is communication. Because nearly EVERYTHING that seems unbalanced can be resolved with communication. If my partner can come to me to talk things out, we can get almost anywhere. It is the key to keeping things going.
Thanks so much for your time, Where can our readers follow you on social media to stay up to date on what you’re up to? My Instagram and Twitter are @kittyquinntv, my main website with all my live show and content fan club links are at and of course, you can see my GFE video scenarios at