All Natural Baby!
Lizzie Lee / @lizzieleemodel
Photography by Mosaab Alsaray / @mosaabalsarayart
PR Services by House of Paradise / @houseofpardise01
Wardrobe @amiclubwear (rainbow bikini) @cherlotlingerie
Sunless Tan @unfilteredsunless
Such an absolute honor to have you on FHM! What are your plans this year for you? It is such an honor to have this cover and feature. I am ecstatic! This year, I plan to travel more, I am doing a new Instagram Live every week now, and I started my company, @alaraproductions , which is a modeling agency and so I will be hosting photoshoots and doing some big things with that as well- stay tuned!
What are you most looking forward to this year? I know it’s cliche, butI want to really hit this year hard and this cover is a great start to the new year for me! It’s setting the tone for the rest of my 2022. I’m looking forward to shooting more, traveling, and hosting shoots/events, plus helping to mentor models and line them up with paid work through my agency @alaraproductions.

Top 3 best moments of your career? Being published is always big for me and this cover is definitely top three! Second, starting mycompany was huge for me, and last but not least, making money doingwhat I love. Once I started getting paid for shoots and Instagramposts, that’s when I felt like I really made it to where I wanted to beand it finally felt like my passion became my career, but I’m definitelynot stopping anytime soon either.
What would you say is your signature look? I am a very sexy personingeneral (not tooting my own horn, but I enjoy dressing sexy and Ihave natural curves) so I would say I’m very glamorous but also verynatural and classy. I try to portray that sexy/classy vibe in all myphotos and videos.
What is the fastest way to get a smile on your face? I’m a sucker for sweets and a few of my favorites include strawberry cheesecake andReeses- those will undoubtedly always put a smile on my face.

What are some of your favorite outdoor activities? I enjoywalking on the beach and dunes by my house, swimming in theocean, hiking, and riding my beach cruiser.
3 ultimate deal-breakers when it comes to men? Cockiness, corny pick-up lines, men who spend too much time atstrip clubs. lol but seriously, though.
Never have I ever… Never have I ever called a partner the wrong name.
Top 3 myth busters when it comes to models? 1. We do eat – I can’t stand when people assume I don’t eat. I actually eat a LOT. I need energy to shoot, be on the go, and maintain muscle. 2. I always get the assumption that I am a “bitch” until someone talks to me and realizes that I am actually really down to earth. I treat everyone the same, with respect, until they disrespect me or my time. 3. Time. People always assume that I have so much time on my hands and there’s nothing more frustrating than someone doesn’t respect my time. I am very busy and when I am not, I am resting or doing what needs to be done around the house. I don’t have time for chatting, for pointless phone calls, for responding to every single message, for people who say they want to shoot but don’t have a solid plan or budget for it.

What is the best way to approach you as an admirer? My brand/persona is highly sexualized; which is fine as it is abusiness for me but on a person-to-person basis, I muchappreciate non-sexual comments/compliments.
Where can our readers catch up with you and stay updated with your work? I am mostly on Instagram (now LIVE every Wednesday at 2PM!) -@lizzieleemodel and my backup @lizzieleevip.I am also on Tik Tok, Twitter, and just posted my first Youtubevideo! – all are @lizzieleemodelFacebook- Lizzie LeeOnlyfans – @lizzieleevip (subscription) and @lizzieleemodelofficial(free).@alaraproductions is my business Instagram. Any modelsinterested in working for me, send a DM.
We are so happy to have gotten to know you a little bit! Any last words out there for our readers? Thank you so much for this opportunity and I would like to remind everyone to please follow me on all of my social media platforms(above) to show their support of my work- it is what keeps me going!! Please tune into my Instagram LIVE every Wednesday at2:00PM, PST Also, don’t forget to follow my company page@alaraproductions.