Heart & Soul
with Sarah P Antonella / @sarahpantonella
Photography by Mosaab Alsaray Art / @mosaabalsarayart
PR service: House of Paradise / @houseofparadise01
MUA Mikki Erickson / @mikkis_makeup
Fashion Designer Isabel Lopez / @isabeloriginal
Such an absolute honor to have you on FHM! How are you feeling about 2022? I’m very excited about the new year. It seems to have so many exciting things to look forward to.
What are you most looking forward to this year? Traveling is always something I enjoy during the year. Going new places, being spontaneous. Doing new things. I love it.
Recent career moment? Being awarded Amazon Top Bestseller. You can find my book on sarahp.me It’s a book I wrote to inspire people to overcome their adversities. I’ve been through so much hard ache most people tell me they would’ve given up. To me, those things made me who I am today.

What was on your resolution list this year?
– Getting Rid of toxic/negative people
– Sticking to a budget
– Being a positive person
When it comes to goals and ambition, what are some of the things that keep you focused on getting there, what is the driving force behind it all? Truthfully I want to be able to look at my life and say I was able to inspire others to be happy and follow their dreams. God has been my cheerleader throughout this whole thing, so sharing my light to others is so motivating. That, and my family. I want to be able to take care of my parents the way they took care of me. I’m so grateful for the example they’ve been in my life.
What are some of your favorite outdoor activities? I absolutely love laying out, paddleboarding, kayaking, hiking. I love feeling the sun on my skin and at the same time taking in the beauty of nature. Meditating and listening to a book is probably my ultimate fave.

3 ultimate deal-breakers when it comes to men?
– Narcism. I can’t be with someone who always thinks they’re right and can never compromise.
– Drinking & drugs. For me personally, I want someone in control of their emotions & behavior. I feel those things clout your inner spirit.
– Remembering my love languages. Quality time, physical touch, words of affirmation, and gifts are important to me.
Never have I ever…? Gone skiing or snowboarding. I’ve always wanted to try but have never been approached with the moment. Maybe someday.

Top 3 myth busters when it comes to models?
1 – they don’t eat. I love my food. I’m usually the one to eat the most at the table typically.
2 – they always work out. I work out but not everyday dedication. I usually do physical activity 2-3 times a week. I feel like what you eat is more important.
3 – they aren’t bright. I love to read. I generally finish 3-4 books a week. Knowledge is key.
What do you find most attractive in a man? Someone that’s a gentleman. I love when he is opening doors, saying good morning, putting me to bed, etc. Oof all those things are so attractive. That and a man that’s passionate about what they do. I love to hear drive and passion. It’s so attractive.
Where can our readers catch up with you and stay updated with your work? Instagram and here SarahP.me.
We are so happy to have gotten to know you a little bit! Any last words out there for our readers? Don’t give up in yourself. Although life may get tough, you will pull through. God sees your true potential. He has a plan for you. Never forget that.